The Paul Ippolito Outlook

Here is this week's The Paul Ippolito Outlook, which is targeted at professionals, leaders, managers and organisations.

It is a snapshot of anything interesting I have come across, that I would like to share with you.


“Just Do It!”

- Nike’s Iconic Motto

Nike gets it so right.

I am not a procrastinator.

Never have been, never will be.

I don’t ignore emails that people send me, having difficult conversations, making decisions I am paid to make, nor returning phone calls.

I just do it.

I may occasionally take a bit longer on the more important decisions, but I execute sooner rather than later.

As Nike says - “Just Do It”

Clear Heads In Unclear Times

I read Shane Parrish’s book during the week called Clear Thinking.

I commend it to you.

A good read, "Clear Thinking" is a guide that shows how to strategically position yourself and make decisions - simply.

It is also full of common sense and practical wisdom.

Professionals will like its straight talking, as well as immediate applicability to their everyday personal and professional lives.

I also subscribe to his weekly Farnham Street blog, which is also a good read.

Yes, it is fair to say that I am a bit of a Shane Parrish fan!

Speaking Of Clear Thinking

As a busy professional, you have to look up occasionally and work out where to go next.

I put together this blogpost on how.


If you want to read more of our blogposts, please click here.

A Kid Selling Flowers On The Side Of The Street

I spent a bit of time watching a child of about ten years of age, trying to sell flowers to all and sundry, on a busy street this week.

He tried his pitch on everyone he came across, and he got knocked back pretty much time after time.

I felt a bit sorry for him.

I need not have been, as he was unperturbed and unrelenting in his persistence and perserverance.

Very very occasionally he struck gold, sold some and this reinvigorated him.

I thought to myself, what a great education this child is getting so soon in life on selling, far more than he would probably ever receive in his formal education.

Does anyone really get taught to sell?

I got formally educated, pretty well, but as a professional no one really ever taught me how to sell my services.

When I finally went into business on my own, I had to learn selling the long hard way - quickly and on the run.

It was a really hard thing to do for a lawyer, and it took a long time to get my pitch right.

We should be teaching professionals the art of selling, from the first day of their professional education.

And keep watching out for that kid with the flowers on that street when you see him - I think he is going to make it big.

If you need some coaching from us on how to market or sell, please let us know by emailing here.


Middle Powers - Why Do They Matter

Speaking frankly as a futurist, I am more than a bit concerned about the current direction of our world.

The polarisation of society especially at the superpower level, has turned us into an even more fragile place post pandemic.

Volatility is the word of the moment.

I came across a podcast this week which however gave me some hope, that there is a way forward in mediating some very tough issues.

Click here to find out more 

If you like this newsletter, you also may like my occasional jottings in;

“ Things With Paul Ippolito”

Click here to read the latest edition. 

If you need some coaching or consulting for your business, please reach out here to us.

If you would like me to speak at your workplace, conference or next event please reach out here to us.


Stay safe until next time.



Paul Ippolito

Principal – Ippolito Advisory

Coach, Consultant and Speaker


Paul Ippolito, the author of this newsletter writes in his capacity as the principal of business Ippolito Advisory and as a director of Ippolito Lawyers Pty Ltd. This newsletter is produced by Ippolito Lawyers Pty Ltd and provides general information, not professional nor legal advice. It should not be used as a substitute for a professional consultation with professional advisers. No relationship is established by your use of this newsletter. The author, this advisory business and the law firm are not responsible for any decisions or actions you take based on this information. This newsletter is provided "as is," without any warranties.


The Paul Ippolito Outlook


The Paul Ippolito Outlook