The Paul Ippolito Outlook

Here is The Paul Ippolito Outlook, which is targeted at professionals, leaders, managers and organisations.


“Never Outsource What You Enjoy”

- James Clear

This quote really resonated with me.

As I get older, I try and only do things I enjoy doing, and I also try and say “no” to the rest.

Indeed “No” has become one of my favourite words over the years.

This echoes the realisation that life is temporary, fragile and far too short to do things you don’t want to.

When Is Enough Enough?

Post-pandemic, our outlook on the balance between work and life has shifted.

I believe our lives are being re-invented and re-designed, and we are now on a pathway to a new beginning.

This excellent YouTube video really nails it when it comes to the concept of when is enough and enough, and working out what truly matters.

I also came across this excellent YouTube video here on the pro’s of retiring as early as you can.

If you need some coaching on work/life balance or transitioning in your professional life, please let us know by emailing here.

What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

Drop me a line and tell me!

Here is another great little YouTube video that I came across.

Some of my own bits of advice to myself were;

Most bad things I worried about didn’t actually happen.

Back yourself when it really matters.

Try and work for yourself as soon as you can.

Don’t associate with toxic people.

Failures are just lessons. Learn from them.

Take feedback from those you love or respect, ignore the rest.

Be kind to yourself.

and lastly but most importantly,

Put your health and family first!

Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day!

How long does it take to reach the pinnacle of your profession, to achieve success in your chosen field, or to cultivate your true passion?

I watched this on Netflix this week.

It reinforced to me the power of self belief, following your vision and persistence.

Oh, and Happy 70th Birthday Jerry Seinfeld!

If you like this newsletter, you also may like my occasional jottings in;

“ Things With Paul Ippolito”

Click here to read the latest edition. 

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Book me for some coaching or consulting for your business, by reaching out here to us.

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Paul Ippolito

Principal – Ippolito Advisory

Coach, Consultant and Speaker


Paul Ippolito, the author of this newsletter writes in his capacity as the principal of business Ippolito Advisory and as a director of Ippolito Lawyers Pty Ltd. This newsletter is produced by Ippolito Lawyers Pty Ltd and provides general information, not professional nor legal advice. It should not be used as a substitute for a professional consultation with professional advisers. No relationship is established by your use of this newsletter. The author, this advisory business and the law firm are not responsible for any decisions or actions you take based on this information. This newsletter is provided "as is," without any warranties.


The Paul Ippolito Outlook


The Paul Ippolito Outlook