The Paul Ippolito Outlook

Welcome to this edition of The Paul Ippolito Outlook.

The Paul Ippolito Outlook is targeted at professionals, leaders, managers and organisations.

It is a snapshot of what I have been thinking about, listening to, reading, watching, researching as well as anything interesting I have come across.

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Things With Paul Ippolito – click here to read the last edition.


Quotes That Hit The Mark


“To those who thought they were putting water on my fire, you are really adding gas to it, and now, I really am burning so brightly.”

- Coco Gauff

I love this quote – it is so apt for all those clearly focussed on their ambitions and goals, even in the face of adversity.


“Regret tastes a lot worse than fear!”

- Gary Veynerchuk

As I get older, this resonates more and more with me.


Best Book I Have Read (And Re-Read) So Far This Year 

This book I have read not once but twice this year

It is just the best books of accrued wisdom I have come across in a long time.

It collects renown entrepreneur Naval Ravikant’s wisdom over the past decade, and has been very cleverly curated by Eric Jorgenson.

I read it through the first time in a couple of the days, and then re-read it a few weeks later to take comprehensive notes, that I find myself referring to regularly since.

Anyone considering starting or running a business, will also find it invaluable.


Watching On YouTube

I have been doing work on the issue of what transitioning to retirement means for professionals for a long time now.

It is certainly a vexed question.

When is the right time to retire? How much money will I need? What will I do? What about my ego? What will be my purpose after I retire?

James Conole’s YouTube 10-minute video titled “5 Reasons To Retire As Soon As You Can” hits the mark on all the core issues above.

I really enjoyed reading the comments section as well.

I hope it helps you - please let me know what you think or if you need would some coaching from me on transitioning here.


A Trend Worth Watching 

I heard someone say this recently, but I can’t remember exactly who – “ Are podcasts the new radio?”

I think you are right – whoever you are.

Reach out if it was you and I will give you credit!

We are no longer getting our news and information primarily from traditional media.

I and many other people are listening to podcasts as a primary source of knowledge.

What do you think ? – where do you get your news from ? - I would really like to hear your views.


An Interesting Podcast I Stumbled Across 

I subscribe to the World Economic Forum Radio Davos podcast series.

You should do too, especially if you are a manager or a leader of an organisation.

This week, I listened to an excellent 20 minute podcast by Randstad CEO Sander Van't Noordende about the Future of Work.

This is one of the best summaries I have come across of the state of play now on this contemporary and controversial issue, and on what he believes the future holds.

Do yourself a favour and listen to it!


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Stay safe until next time.



Paul Ippolito

Principal – Ippolito Advisory

Coach, Consultant and Speaker



The Paul Ippolito Outlook


The Paul Ippolito Outlook