The Paul Ippolito Outlook

Welcome to the latest edition of The Paul Ippolito Outlook.

A Quote I Really Liked

“When something becomes a goal for me, I don’t let it go. I don’t move on. I don’t quit. And I don’t compromise. There is no plan B. Plan B is to succeed at Plan A. When you commit to fulfilling the vision for your life, good things can happen for you and all the people you care about at a level that others never thought possible.”

- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Do You Use A Journal?

I was recently quoted in Elizabeth Harrin's article on using bullet journals in project management. Using journals (yes I use two of them), allows me to blend productivity and mindfulness perfectly. It is a simple tool that helps me greatly in my project management activities.

Looking Back To Look Forward

As we are well over half way through the year, I took another listen of this podcast from earlier this year, to reflect on how things are progressing on the issue of modern leadership, and what leaders should have been prioritising for 2024. Leadership is difficult, complex and multi-faceted and frankly a lot of the challenges faced by leaders, managers and organisations at the moment, are without precedent.

This is a piece I wrote earlier in the year myself about the trends that I thought would dominate during 2024. I took a look back at this as well last week, to see how things are progressing.

I'm currently working on a free seminar that will share my updated views on 2024 and beyond for professionals. Stay tuned for its release next month.

What Am I Reading At The Moment?

I'm currently reading Countdown City, the second book in Ben H. Winters' science fiction trilogy, “The Last Policeman” series. It's a gripping story about an asteroid threatening to wipe out humanity and how people react to the impending disaster.

What Would You Tell Your Younger Self About Work?

Take a look at what I recently said here.

What advice would you give your younger self?


Well you probably should read Maria Popova’s excellent piece on the topic here.

Thinking Of Retirement Soon?

A recent LinkedIn poll I conducted showed that 79% of professionals prefer some form of work/life integration over a hard stop retirement. So transitioning is a key thing.

We dedicate so much time to studying, building our careers, and maximising our performance, yet we rarely focus on how to transition to the other things we want to do in life. Post pandemic the work/life divide has changed so much and when it comes to more work/life balance it is skewed more to the latter than ever.

There is a noticeable lack of discussion and resources on how to gradually transition from a full-time professional career.

With this in mind, we have created a short coaching program designed to give people the confidence and support they need to take the steps toward retiring on their own terms.

Take a look at it and let me know what you think?

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What Am I Trying To Learn?

I am an amateur salsa dancer, and have spent years working on learning salsa.

This week I spent ages, trying to master and perfect my Sombrero technique.

Kudos to Daniel Rosas for his efforts in trying to assist!

I am still a work in progress!

Are You On Instagram?

Follow us here for our latest posts, where we share inspirational quotes.

We All Have Our Flaws Don’t We?

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this short 10 minute podcast by Morgan Housel on the importance recognising our flaws!

If you want to read past editions of our newsletters, please click here.

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Paul Ippolito

Principal – Ippolito Advisory

Coach, Consultant and Speaker


Disclaimer - Paul Ippolito, the author of this newsletter writes in his capacity as the principal of business Ippolito Advisory and on behalf of Ippolito Lawyers Pty Ltd. This newsletter provides general information and is not professional or legal advice. No relationship is established by your use of this newsletter.


The Paul Ippolito Outlook


The Paul Ippolito Outlook