The Paul Ippolito Outlook

Welcome to the latest edition of The Paul Ippolito Outlook.

An Idea That Really Resonated With Me This Week.

Parkinson's Law is the idea that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.

It certainly does if you let it!

What Am I Working On?

I have spent the last month or so putting together a coaching program for professionals who may be struggling surviving their first years in professional practice. Here it is.

Let me know if you think it is useful.

What Am I Reading ?

I like a bit of crime fiction, a murder mystery set in Florence in this case.

This week I am reading A Florentine Death by Michele Giuttari. Worth a look.

We All Need To Make A Will & Have A Power Of Attorney In Place

Sage advice may I say.

With that in mind, we at Ippolito Lawyers Pty Ltd have recently rebranded our commercial law firm into an estate planning law firm.

Take a look at the website of our sister firm Ippolito Lawyers here.

If you are an accountant or financial planner, Ippolito Lawyers welcomes and is happy to accept referrals of your estate planning clients.

Yes, I am also still a practising lawyer and law firm principal as well!

What Has My Curiosity?

Roman architecture. I have been doing a pre-recorded online course on it conducted by the late Professor Diana E.E. Kleiner of Yale University through the online platform Coursera for the past 4-5 months (and I am still going!) and am amazed at how much I have learnt about the Romans.

Half way through I realised, Professor Kleiner had passed away a few years ago and was deeply saddened, but I have since been so inspired and motivated by her legacy of teaching. She has also left me so many rabbit holes to explore.

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What Made Me Laugh During The Week?

I recently listened to a podcast episode of The Diary of A CEO. The guest, renowned author Robert Greene was talking about 5 body language hacks he had, one especially that you could use to see who really likes you (or may be faking it a little).

I won’t spoil it, so you have to listen to it - it is only 9 minutes, but I have been test driving it all week with some very interesting results! p.s. It appears I am well liked by many - no surprises there!

What Trends Are Worth Paying Attention To For The Rest Of 2024 & Beyond?

Well I am glad you asked!

Take a look at video I recently made on the topic here

What Have I Discovered This Week?

I think Arnold Schwarzenegger is becoming a bit of a philosopher in his old age.

I came across his daily newsletter - Pump Club and at first I was a bit sceptical that it may only be just about body building, but ended up thoroughly enjoying reading about a whole range of things, not just fitness and health orientated, but also him related to and reflecting back on his 77 years of experiences.

Anyway, I then heard it was available in podcast form (about 5 minutes per episode) and downloaded it, and it is even better hearing him speak.

Either way, well worth a listen.

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Paul Ippolito

Principal – Ippolito Advisory

Consultant and Speaker


Disclaimer - Paul Ippolito, the author of this newsletter writes in his capacity as the principal of business Ippolito Advisory and on behalf of Ippolito Lawyers Pty Ltd. This newsletter provides general information and is not professional or legal advice. No relationship is established by your use of this newsletter.


The Paul Ippolito Outlook


The Paul Ippolito Outlook