“Things With Paul Ippolito”

Welcome to "Things With Paul Ippolito"

This is my occasional brain dump—a collection of thoughts that I believe may be useful to you as a professional, leader or manager.

I hope they resonate with you.

Can You Seriously Be Sad Eating A Gelato?

Having a lousy day at work?

Treat yourself to a gelato.

It’s a great well-being hack.

Let me know what you think!

A Brave New World

We’re in a post-pandemic state, a brave new world in every sense.

Many are seizing this opportunity to start anew in all aspects of their lives.

Expect continuous transformation, innovation, change, volatility, and a new perspective on doing things.

What are you doing?

Be Aware Of What Gets Your Time

I've become pretty ruthless lately about what I read, watch and listen to and where I get my news from, and how much news scrolling I do daily.

Not all writing is worth reading.

Just as we avoid junk food, I’m trying to avoid junk news and information.

Don’t get me wrong I still spend a lot of time researching, reading, listening to and watching things.

I am just watching more closely what news and information I choose to eat!

A Few Rules To Live By

Don’t Be Married To Your Ideas.

Try Not To Make Important Decisions When You Are Tired.

It’s Ok To Say No Occasionally

For me, saying "no" is one of the best ways to balance current commitments with future opportunities.

I believe it's really important to be prompt, upfront and honest when saying no, especially if an opportunity doesn't align with my passions or falls outside my area of expertise.

I simply say no, explain why, but also make it clear that I am open to further approaches.

Yes, I am sometimes worried it may mark the end of potential future opportunities, but most times, people respect openness and honesty.

This approach also reinforces to me that relationships are meant to be long-term, not just one-offs.

Ultimately, the value is reflected when I do say "yes," and in the quality of both the work and relationships that I truly have an interest in.

Engage with Us

Your feedback is invaluable. Well, sometimes!

Reach out here with your thoughts or suggestions.

Interested In Improving Yourself & Not Sure Just How?

Reach out to us here

Want To Book Me for Your Next Event

Looking for a speaker for your next workplace event or conference?

Let’s connect to discuss how I can bring value to your audience.

Feel free to share this post with friends or colleagues who might find it helpful.

Until next time, stay safe and keep looking forward.


Paul Ippolito

Principal – Ippolito Advisory

Coach, Consultant & Advisor and Speaker


Work-Life Balance Coaching For Lawyers


Feeling Undervalued, Overwhelmed Or Stuck In Your Legal Career?