“Things With Paul Ippolito”

This is my occasional collection of thoughts that I believe may be useful to you.

Work Is Being Redefined As We Speak

The landscape of professional as well as knowledge-based services is undergoing a major transformation on multiple fronts.

This change isn't driven solely by the rise of generative AI.

We need to consider “how and why we work” as crucial, contested contemporary issues that are still evolving, ones that are preventing us from understanding what new normal life looks like post-pandemic.

The concept of purpose in work has become more important than ever, overshadowing traditional measures of productivity and profit. People now think and make decisions about work differently.

Employers are quickly adapting to this shift in priorities, as individuals have fundamentally changed the way they want to work.

Work and life are no longer just about making money.

The future of work now involves a myriad of economic, social, and cultural changes that will shape how we live as well as work.

Understanding the totality of these changes is now essential for modern leadership and management.

Your Time Is Limited & Precious

Consider calculating how many days you might have left to live.

This isn't meant to be morbid, but to remind you of the finite nature of your time, and that it is limited and precious.

Don’t waste it.

Staying Ahead Of The Game

To stay ahead in a rapidly evolving professional environment where expectations are continuously changing, professionals need to adapt and keep adapting.

I believe that modern professionals must possess a diverse and ever-evolving set of skills, expanding beyond their existing technical and human skills. This includes staying informed about modern culture, gaining expertise in innovative technologies like AI, and deeply understanding how business and technology interact and operate together.

Now more than ever, professionals need to seamlessly integrate themselves into their clients' user experiences to deliver unprecedented value. This involves anticipating and addressing pain points and problems that clients may not yet be aware of.

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Can We Predict The Future?

While we cannot predict the future with any certainty, we can use futures thinking to examine past events, current signals, and trends to understand how they might evolve in the future.

Futures thinking is an approach and tool that allows professionals to take a broad and inclusive perspective, making planning clear and practical.

By asking questions like "What's ahead, and how can we prepare for it?" professionals can empower themselves and their clients to take an active role in shaping the future of their work, addressing client needs, and advancing their profession.

It's also essential in my view to consider different viewpoints and scenarios when thinking about the future.

I also believe in using simple language to explain thoughts and ideas about the future.

The above approach helps guide people toward realistic and hopeful outcomes, providing them with the tools and knowledge to shape their futures and create new possibilities.

Discover Our New High-Performance Coaching Programs

We have been busy putting together a stack of high-performance coaching programs designed for your professional growth. These one-on-one sessions are conducted via Zoom, offering flexibility in terms of duration and affordability to suit your needs and budget.

Our carefully selected topics are tailored to help you excel, grow, and overcome the daily challenges professionals face today.

Achieving A Better Work Life Balance

Boost Your Productivity & Efficiency With ChatGPT

Discover The Freedom Of Starting Your Own Practice

Transition To Retirement With Confidence

Transform Your Legal Career

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Want To Book Me To Speak For Your Next Event?

Looking for a speaker for your next workplace event or conference?

Let’s connect to discuss how I can bring value to your audience.

Until next time, stay safe


Paul Ippolito

Principal – Ippolito Advisory


Surviving Your First Few Years of Professional Practice


10 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self About Work