
I remember in my early days of practising law when mentoring happened in the pub after a bad day at the office.

It was well meaning, empathetic and sufficiently executed by the older wiser lawyers around me, to get me back to work the next day, and survive a few more weeks until the next “mentoring” session.

In those days, professional mentoring and coaching were almost foreign concepts, rarely undertaken at the scale we see today.

Seeking professional help was also seen as a last resort, even when things looked like they were going decidedly pear-shaped.

It was done on the quiet, often seen as a sign of weakness or even something to be ashamed of. You certainly did not tell your boss or HR you were getting it.

The culture of self-development was different then.

It was more focused on surviving, than thriving as a professional as such.

Career pathways to success were pretty defined and almost singular then, and were all pretty much attuned to climbing the ladder towards the elusive golden chalice of partnership.

The guiding mantra was pretty hard core, and yet simple - “Work really hard, bring in the fees and one day, some of this might also be yours.”

As I said above, career advice was often sourced from ad-hoc discussions with professional colleagues and friends—well-meaning but, more often than not, hit or miss.

The mentoring received was no doubt sincere in its intention yet unpredictable in its execution and effectiveness, leaving much to chance.

Success therefore was almost an unpredictable and accidental mix of hard work, experience, trial and error, hit and miss and, for more than a few, a bit of luck.

A New Era of Professional Development

Thankfully, times changed for the better.

It took a lot of time and quite frankly a generational shift in thinking.

This generational shift has not only changed how we approach professional development, but also how we discuss and prioritise mental health, work life balance, alternative career pathways and our ultimate career satisfaction.

Seeking advice is no longer seen as a sign of weakness, but rather a strategic move towards a more holistic well rounded long-term success.

The professional world now recognises the myriad, often unprecedented challenges we face—many of which impact us in ways we could never have expected nor predicted.

This is also coupled with a myriad of opportunities that never existed and go well beyond any expectations of our initial university education and vocational training.

The shift in perception has seen professionals being more proactive in identifying and tackling issues head-on, sooner than later.

What Is Professional Mentoring

At the heart this lies the rise and power of professional mentoring.

How can I best describe what mentoring is and what having a professional mentor means is something I pondered a bit for this blogpost.

As you can tell from above I believe you should have paid professional mentoring from someone who has done it for a long time.

I am not against well meaning unpaid mentors but by paying for advice, it in my opinion sharpens your attention to and appreciation of what you are trying to achieve.

Investing in paid professional mentoring is more than just a financial commitment, it’s a more personal thing, one more connected to one’s personal and career growth and aligned with a more longer term and more holistic success.

Whether you’re navigating a career transition, launching a new business venture, facilitating your personal development, or managing professional relationships, a mentor can be your confidant, your sounding board, and your trusted advisor.

Mentoring is about building a long-term relationship that guides you throughout your career, providing ongoing support and insight as you progress your professional life.

Coaching is more specific in terms of what it is trying to achieve.

Mentoring is more working on your longer term career.

Do You Need A Mentor?

If you're ready to start thriving in your career, reach out to us.

Contact us today to learn more about how our mentoring services can help you.

We also have a 12 month professional mentoring program you may be interested in here.


My Unique Value to You - Empowering Professionals & Leaders


12 Months of Professional Mentoring with Paul Ippolito