Is It Time To Go Solo?

Feeling stifled in your current role?


No work-life balance?

No future you can see?

Not being paid what you are worth?

Going out solo can be an appealing option for many who feel stifled in their current positions in their profession.

“It is probably the best decision I have ever made in my professional life.” - Paul Ippolito

I weighed up the pros and cons over 15 years ago, planned and executed and never looked back.

It may or may not however necessarily be the right choice for you.

Indeed, most professional services practices are sole practices.

The decision to go solo however comes with its own set of considerations and is not a decision made lightly.

On one hand, you will get the financial rewards, flexibility and autonomy.

One the other, you will have a lifetime of balancing risk and personal responsibility.

Having said that – when is the right time to go out solo in your professional career is a vexed question?

Reach out if you want to have a chat.

Or Else Sign Up Here For Our Coaching Program Especially Designed For Those Wanting To Go Out Into Practice On Their Own!


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