“Things With Paul Ippolito”

Welcome to "Things With Paul Ippolito"

This is my occasional brain dump—a collection of thoughts that I believe may be useful to you as a professional, leader or manager.

I hope they resonate with you.

We All Have Limited Time On This Planet

No amount of money can buy time.

Good health may help you buy time though.

If you have good health, you may have more time to make money whenever you need to.

The key message here is put your health first - physical, emotional and mental - and hopefully more time and more money will flow from it.

Don’t Micromanage Your People

This is my number 1 takeaway, from having supervised people for over 35 years.

If you have employed them to do a role, tell them your expectations, guide and support them, check in on them occasionally, but most importantly just leave them to do their work.

I have found most people will not abuse your trust, and just get on with doing their work to the best of their abilities.

If they have broken your trust, or aren’t performing, you need to tell them sooner than later.

If you don’t trust them, you have to ask yourself - why did you hire them in the first place ? and why are you still keeping them ?

Do The Important Things First

I am a morning person.

You get out the best of me before lunchtime.

I know that and therefore I play this to my advantage.

I do all the important things I need to do, in the morning.

I do the things I know I need to do, the hard things, the important stuff and the stuff I really don’t want to do.

The rest of the day is then mine, so to speak, and I feel relieved and good, at having achieved the important things.

Have A “Why?” Session With Yourself Occasionally

I sit down about once a month, alone in a cafe, with my notebook and jot down why I am doing certain things in my life.

I find the time to reflect, think and write it all out gives me clarity and purpose

It also allows me to centre upon, and re-focus on what really matters.

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Looking for a speaker at your next workplace event or conference?

Let’s connect to discuss how I can bring value to your audience.

Feel free to share this post with friends or colleagues who might find it helpful.

Until next time, stay safe and keep looking forward.


Paul Ippolito

Principal – Ippolito Advisory

Coach, Consultant & Advisor and Speaker


"Going into Practice on My Own" Your Personalised Coaching Program


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